In another's eyes

OOC text wtf? no-repeat; width: 400px; height: 191px; border: 2px solid black;"> 

Taliesin, once freed, ran and hid behind his mother. Deuce immediately dropped the club, picking him up. the month old boy squirmed and lathered kisses all over his mother's face. After ascertaining her son was unharmed, she glared at the stranger. Her voice was frigid.
"You are on Twilight Vale lands. What is your buisiness here?" Normally, she was friendly. But she'd been frigtened. And then some. She hated that feeling. She hated being scared. And her little boy was all too good at doing it. So of course she wasn't going to be friendly.
Deuce normally was a very nice femme. But ever since Shadow's death, she'd been edgy about strangers. She didn't like them. Especially not in her pack's lands. She didn't wander...and she expected others to do the same.


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