The season is arriving
OoC: Whoops, sorry for the delay, mate! ;_; Yeah, ooc-ly, I think Slay'd be suited for Hunter. ^_^ As long as he doesn't fall asleep...

Slay snorted indignantly, caught off-guard. It was one thing to joke about pup-sitting, but fatherhood? He hadn't even realized what it meant to be the only male in a pack of bachelorettes! Clearly not all of them were interested in families, but if the Roseas wanted to expand their pack for real... He caught Cercelee's clever gaze and made a show of tilting his nose in the air, feigning a pompous attitude he certainly never felt.

"As though any of you are worthy of bearing my pups? We'll just see about that, m'dear!"

Then he grinned, unable to keep up the charade too long. He was the odd one out, he knew - Mew and Cercelee were both so pretty with their white fur, Colibri's delicate beauty intrigued him, and if Hanna reverted to her quadruped form, Slay was sure that the dark-furred herbalist would have a wild beauty of her own. He loved to flirt, but he didn't really expect any of the girls to seriously consider him as a mate, what with his ugly markings and his bizarre sleep patterns. Just thinking about it made him yawn again, and he shook his thick ruff vigorously to ward off the incoming drowsiness.

"I kid, sweetie. Whatever you think is best suited for our pack, I'll go along with. But you're still too small to hunt," he couldn't resist adding, lips parting to yawn again. Oh, boo, here comes the nap, he thought disjointedly. If Cer insisted on bantering, he'd probably nod off in mid-sentence... Then she'd win! But he was just... so tired...


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