New places, new finds

Word Count → 318 :: 3 points

The roomy cabin looked large enough for a family of five, but she wasn't sure of how large it really was. She would probably see the whole family, if there was a "family" or if it was just him and his mate. He said his mate would be in soon, so then she may not feel as uncomfortable as she currently did. She wondered if it was the fact that he was a stranger to her, or if was the fact that she was alone with some other wolf's mate. He seemed to nice to worry about, but you couldn't be to careful. Yet even though she had just met the wolf earlier that day, she already admired his hospitality and care for his pack. She hoped she could be the same, soon.

She kept her head low and shyly shuffled her way over to the couch against the wall. Being in her four-legged form, the one she was most comfortable in, she could curl into a ball comfortably. She let out a deep breath and put her head down on her paws, watching the white wolf move around his cabin. Slowly she drifted into a very shallow sleep, partially awake but still enough to rest her tired body.

Kaliska thought about the terrible trek to this new place. It was known for is prosperous pack, but she never expected it to be like this. Pack's were good and loving to each other, a family that is wide spread and has many stories to entertain the rest. Life would hopefully be good for her now and she greatly appreciated it. A life of being alone and hardly able to survive was not a life for a young wolf, whether it be Luperci or not. Every wolf, being young or old, needs a family. A group of others to help them through everything and to love them through it all.

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