Pagan Angel and a Borrowed Car

After what had happened at the pack meeting, Krystalle had been farther into a pit of undesired depression centered around her strange friend-and-lover. She'd changed from sleeping in the bedroom with the man to the more general area of the living room, and her days were spent as far away as possible. She couldn't do it. She couldn't continue a charade that had only managed to hurt her. Mars loved someone else. She loved Mars, and his affection had twisted to another person. "That ain' how i's supposed to happen," she groaned. In all of the fairy-tales told by her father, the princess got the prince. She wanted Mars. She deserved Mars. She did more for Mars than anyone she had known.

But Mars was so set on someone else.

A heavy sigh escaped into the air as she continued toward the border on the back of Senorita. Staying away from Cercatori was just the best decision, as it meant she wouldn't have to deal with the Russo; she could go anywhere she wanted. As she moved across the land, a call reached her ears, and confusion crossed her features. Was there a new joiner? She'd never greeted someone on the borders before. Turning her horse in the direction of the call, she started to wonder who it might be.

Surprise, surprise, as she saw a familiar cream body astride a familiar equine critter. "Oh! Nayati!" The loud exclamation startled Senorita for the briefest moment, but the Latin female managed to push her forward to meet the man. She slid from the back of the painted steed quickly. "So nice to see you! I didn' think you knew 'bout this pack! Are you here to see a friend?" Her questions shot out quickly, as was customary, though it faded into embarrassment as she realized what she'd done.

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