We didn't start the fire
[Image: ooc-1.jpg]

She wondered about where he'd come from. Ember had been born in Bleeding Souls, the lands that had burned. She had grown up knowing everyone around her, every face in the pack. Hells; in Storm she'd been related to half the pack. Her family had dominated it. But now here, in these strange lands, she sometimes felt like an outsider.

She offered him a smile when he replied. Pampered? She wasn't sure what that meant. In any case, Lubomir was very friendly, something that she found refreshing. The last person she'd met was Toxic, in Inferni, and he'd been less than accomidating. "I don't know how to read, but I've always wanted to learn" She said. She had heard rumors that there was a city, though, so maybe she would be able to find some books there. "I cherish my mother. I wasn't sure if I would ever see her again...but now I have. I guess that the broader idea would be family. I cherish my family." There were family members of hers running all over the place. Her goal was to find them all, to try and get to know them.

She didn't think of him as strange for wanting to show her around--she would have done the same if he'd come to Labrynth Glen. She nodded happily, agreeing. "Sure! That sounds wonderful"


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