the summer obsession
I know how that is - I've got a busy week coming up.[html]

Norwegian. He had read about that language before, but not enough to understand any of what she had spoken. The only thing that really came to mind about the language was that Jenkai had read that it contained 29 letters in its alphabet. Other than that, everything was a complete mystery. He took her movements as a invitation to move further down the dock, so he did. Still grabbing the strap with one hand, his sea foam eyes traced the wood as he passed by her, only to sit down on the dock in front of her. He set his bag down beside him thinking of how he planned to copy down his journeys later. He was going to attempt to make a map so that he could outline where the various packs were. The most crucial would be discovering where the coyotes were located.

"A purpose?" He asked then, brought back to the present by her voice. He hadn’t been aware that he had crossed into claimed lands, but he was glad to see she wasn’t acting hostile towards him. "No, not really. I do apologize for trespassing, though. I hadn’t realized I crossed into your pack lands." He opened his bag and shuffled out the twine bound journal that he had brought along. He held it up so that she could see what it was. "My only purpose is I am trying to make a map of the surrounding area. I’ve lived over on the beach of the chebicto peninsula for over a year now, and just recently was told there are many wolves coming from over the mountains. So now I’m trying to write out the lands around Halifax and the peninsula so that I can keep track of all the packs that have moved in. I hear there is a hostile coyote clan." He wondered what had happened to her, but he let those questions fall into the back of his mind. He wasn’t in a place to ask them. So instead, he asked her about the lullaby. "Norwegian, huh? Do you speak it as well?"


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