[m] Bring me to life

OOC here: Table & Coding © Sie; 323 words

Sele knew exactly what sort of release was found in cutting. She knew just what it was like to deserve that pain and punishment. Though it was no longer so much a pain any longer. At least it didn't hurt for her to do it. It had become more of a relief and release for her. It allowed the trapped darkness to seep out and leave her alone for a bit. It quieted her thoughts for a brief moment of time in the very least.

But surprisingly she actually had been refraining from such course of actions lately. She hadn't exactly been happy either but she hadn't been feeling down enough to cut either. She wasn't certain if that should be considered a good thing or not. But things had been looking up for her lately. For some strange reason there was this guy that liked her and she didn't understand it. She knew that she didn't deserve it and had pretty much told him as much.

She had thought to leave the caves and do a border walk because of the recent influx of joiners but seeing her sister moving about she decided against it. "Ponti?" She called out to the other. While she could get around on her hands efficiently enough she still wasn't as fast as those walking about. "Hey Ponti, did you figure out what you are doing about that guy?" After all the last they talked her sister had been confused about a guy that she liked and whether or not he would be accepted. She had advised Ponti to talk to Nani about him and see what their other sister said. She was curious how that went since they hadn't talked since then. But maybe she shouldn't be asking because she wasn't close to Ponti at all. Heck, she wasn't even sure if the woman liked her not since she had pretty much stolen Nani from her.

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