Come as you are
There wasn't any thing said on the trip to her house, the male was fine with that. The less talking the more he thought, he wanted her. She was something that his eyes couldn't keep off, studding her how muscles moved under her coat, how her tail move, ears, any and every part of her body the male watched and studied while they walked to her house. It was an honor to be invited to the girls house. His paws stopped as she opened the door, looking around, he wanted to take note of where her house was, he wanted to be there and know it so he could come back.

Watching her trying to make him feel like a guest the male shook his head and pointed his maw to the ground, the looking back up to her. "Colibri...hmmm. Just as smooth and stunning of a name as it is to the one that it belongs to. I'm fine. Though what I would really like is for you to let me show you, how stunning you are in my eyes." yes, he had some one back in Twilight Vale, and she wouldn't be happy that once again he was out around other female's. But she was...she was special, she needed to know that she was something to look at, and something to want. Lucifer would make her feel like she was his one and only, if he could.

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