the death of my vanglorious children

Word Count → QqQq :: This post was quite honestly fucking amazing and then I hit the stupid free hotmail button when I wanted to go into the chat so I had a spazz because I had to hit the back button and I lost my entire damn post. So I freaked out over chat a little. <3 OUT OF LOVE YO.

The door opened and Valinta fell forward, too weak to not do anything else. Softly furred arms caught her, hugged her, and helped her back to the bed she stood from. The steady stench of her fear dissipated slowly, the air becoming more and more sweet as it usually was. It was Sky who helped her, Sky who had always been her dear friend and stood by her no matter what. It would hurt when Valinta left the pack, losing Sky especially.

"Sky.... Oh Sky..." Valinta rasped, her voice still as weak as a newborn pup. She had nothing for herself at the moment, a distinct lack of something to grasp to boost her into strength. Sky's voice was beautiful, owning a lyrical quality. Even when she spoke, it sounded as though she sang. It was perfect to give Valinta a leg up into being stronger.

The woman sat up against the wall behind the bed and sighed. It had been a coma, of course it was a coma. "How long was I out?" she asked, knowing that the longer it was, the longer her recovery time would have to be. And the more she'd have to learn of what happened in the pack while she was 'gone'.

It would be a good as way as any to catch up on what happened in the pack and pretend to be interested in things she really wasn't. The gossip about the pack, straight from the alpha's lover. It'd be a pure source. Not that she honestly cared. "So, what'd I miss?" Valinta asked. If she were to learn what her pack had been up to, she would learn it through Sky.

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