It's too bad

Haku seemed back to his old self, not the really strange wolf that Cer had left, just the slightly eccentric wolf that he had been when she had met him. This was comforting and uncomforting at the same time, but if she felt any unpleasantness at meeting him she hid it all too well. Her face was bright and merry, and while her voice was calm and somewhat cool as it always was, it was also friendly to her best friend’s father. Excuse me sir? My face is anything but old. Waving her tail slowly behind her, Cercelee thought over his words. He wanted to stay here? So surely she didn’t have to ask him why he was here, but Cercelee wasn’t sure she liked it. What would Colibri think of it?

Both of the two knew where the conversation was bound to end up, and Cercelee did not try to stall it in anyway. What was the point? Her voice was still friendly, and she asked almost innocently the question she knew Haku was waiting for. Where is Coli? Why wasn’t his daughter with him? Why had she not returned. Despite her welcoming voice and mannerisms, she knew that Haku would know she wanted to see his daughter, not him. Anyone who knew Cer at all would know this, she wanted her friend back, not her strange father. Cercelee exhaled slowly, tilted her head and perking her ears, waiting for the answer that would either confirm or extinguish the assumptions Cer had held when leaving the two of them months ago.


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