It's too bad

As the slim female had guessed Haku could offer no more insights on why Coli had not accompanied him. And perhaps he was telling the truth on way or another, maybe like herself if she told herself it was true she was able to believe and thus not lie to anyone, like when she told others that she was not a Sadira, or maybe whatever screw was loose in his head really prevented him from knowing. Either way Cercelee just nodded and continued, as if she had just not purposely set up a hurdle for him to jump, and as if he had not just sailed over it and landed on Cer’s satisfaction, crushing it. Well, it is certainly nice to see you, Haku.
The words were sincere, and Cer’s satisfaction bounced back as she sought another outlet to poke at Haku.

Throwing her head back, Cercelee let loose a long, drawn out howl intended for Colibri. She left no real indication in the call as to why she was calling, because what if Colibri didn’t show up? By now she had pieced together their little family, Colibri, mommy dearest, and Mew and Haku. The tension between Mew and Colibri had been evident to all of the pack, what if it were the same with Colibri and Haku? Or maybe not. Cercelee couldn’t pretend to know the inner workings of a family, she had no family any longer aside from extended and distant relative who really didn’t know her all too well. As for an immediate family, that was now foreign to her, and she wanted to see how they all interacted. Colibri, Mew, and Haku. She should be here


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