Come Clean.

....I got a cavity writing this. XD

For some reason beyond his understanding, the young Trovato found himself hurting for her. He inched forward some more as she spoke and sat back on his toes, arms resting across his lap and tail brushing the sand. She explained that there was nothing he could do, and once upon a time, he'd have never accepted it as the truth; back then, he could do anything. Now, though? How could he do anything for her when he couldn't even save himself?

He watched her blue eyes flicker from his own to his collar... then back up to his face.. sort of. It was as if she were looking through him, and it uneased him a bit. She thanked him despite his uselessness, and he pouted a moment. "La vita può essere dura, signora, ma devi essere forte. Impara dal tuo passato e vivere per il futuro. Il futuro non è scritto." Matteo had been delighted to learn she too spoke Italian, and so he decided to revert to his original language. He found it easier than english to get his point across.

When he spoke to her, it came out soft, shy and clear... and somehow, wise. Despite his young age, the boy had learned plenty over the time he'd been to and from varous areas. "I will listen if you wish to talk about it." Back to English. He scooted forward another step and sat indian style across from her, his side to the setting sun. The orange and pink sky cast a sort of comforting light to his eyes, and he offered her a reassuring smile. "My name is Matteo. Matteo Trovato."

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