Come as you are

I'll be waiting here to meet you

It had happened quite fast, and she wondered if it had been a bad idea to invite him home with her. Her feelings were so mixed that she had no chance sorting them out. He was right here right now, and he moved closer, not close enough for touch, but she could feel his warmth, his scent. She was not afraid he would hurt her, but it was just this whole situation. She did not know him, and he knew nothing of her. Colibri wanted something same, not a some sort of twisted one night stand. She did not want to be used and then thrown away. It was better to be alone, without anyone close by, so that she could not be left behind and betrayed. Still, there was always the illusion..

She lifted her muzzle a bit, ’accidentally’ bumping into his own. She could not make herself look him into the eyes. ”But you don’t even know me.” Why did she always play after the pathetic rules of morale? She regretted her words, but it did not make them less true. Even though she was the ’elder’, she probably was the least experienced when it came to this matter, and she was very aware of that fact. It was embarrassing. Although, that little touch was a start, perhaps a small hint from her to the male that she truly wanted his company.

Dying to meet you


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