The peace of recovery.

Finally, Layla thought as Leonard took her hand and shook it in a friendly yet respectful manner. Many others she had met had ignored or over sighted her humble offer of greeting. Layla loved the idea of handshakes. They weren't awkward like a wave. They weren't overly formal like a curtsy. They didn't encroach on others' space like a hug. Handshakes were the perfect middle ground, and yet she was quickly learning that not everyone knew what one was. Not everyone was raised in a German dog pack in Toronto. Layla knew that most of the things she grew up with would be oddities out here in the wild.

"Heh, give me a few tries and I'll get it eventually. And it is very nice to meet you too!" Layla returned, smiling. Sitting cross legged on a large flat boulder, the female daintily tucked her fluffy black tipped tail over her toes. She settled into her new seat. "Well, tell each story you're willing to part with," Layla answered. She was a loner of 14 months, it’s not like she had anywhere to be or do. Also, this would be the highlight of her day, if not her week. The dyed white femme loved collecting stories from the actual wolves she met. No story intimidated this one.

"Crimson Dreams... Have yet to hear of that pack. What's it like there?" Layla asked. "Oh, really?" she asked when he mentioned his brother. Her ears flicked to the side and back in a masked emotion. "Well, I hope you find him," Layla smiled politely. "Your friend is a wise canine, though. I'd pay attention to them," Layla blinked. She didn't speak with many others to get much advice, though she always held wolves' opinions above all. They were something special to her.


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