The peace of recovery.
Leon grinned in amusement. Layla seemed immensely satisfied with the handshake, while he was kinda confused by the gesture. He himself preferred bowing, like he learned in his childhood.

"I don't doubt that." He told her, still impressed she even tried to pronounce the title. He sighed then, realizing that the title couldn't stay. 'Maybe its time to take back my old name...' He pondered. His attention returned to the female as she sat upon the large rock of her choice. He considered her offer, and moved his right arm, standing straight up. "This wound here, cut just below my last rib. Oddly enough, I didn't die from it. I happened across someone who's actions I... I disagreed with." Leon explained, tracing the almost fully healed tissue with a finger. Then he motioned down to his legs. "These were from the same fight." Then he rubbed his shoulder and showed her the healed flesh there. "Two stories to this one. The most recent was the same fight as my side wound. But before that... I got it when I was six months old. My pack was stuck in a pitched battle with a pack of Mexican wolves. I was choking one, and he raked my shoulder to make me flinch, but I clenched my teeth out of reflex and crushed his wind pipe..." The Timber stopped. his left hand, having dropped the pebble some time ago, was tracing the scars over his eye slowly, sucked into a kind of trance.

He blinked and returned to reality, shaking his head. He'd leave that scar out of this conversation. As well as the one on his hind leg and the ones littering his body. He didn't think that would be a wise thing to do. But hearing her question, Leon grinned again. "To be honest, I've only been here a couple months. Since I got those wounds actually. I've been recuperating, so I haven't gotten out to explore much of the territory. However, I have to say this; I love rabbit lake. The pack, mostly, stays in the mansion, and rabbit lake is practically right there. It looks great at sunrise and set. There is also a beach at the southern tip, from what I hear. I haven't been there myself though." He said, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

The observant male didn't miss the flick of Layla's ear, or her odd tone. He knew it was her business, but he was curious now. "Thank you Layla. And you're correct. She really is."" He stated, chuckling. "Hmm, you know some of my story. Will I learn anything about yours?" Leon inquired, smiling in a friendly way. Whatever her answer, he didn't really mind. She struck him as a nice person, and had a good personality.

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