It's all that we need
(Thank ya dearie.)

Deuce felt excited about everythng they'd found. her tail wagged lightly, not too broad for fear of knocking something precious over. She stopped in front of the 'g' section, running her eyes down the rows of seeds and such. there- Here, naniko. this is goldenroot. She handed a packet of seeds to the female. It may not grow too well, but we'll do what we can.

She walked the rows, picking up seed packets and putting them in her rucksack. She paused occasionally to explain an herb she used that was a little unusual. Occasinally she came across an herb that had dried well and slipped it into a velvet pouch from the curio section of the store. When she judged she'd filled up enough, she set the pack down, picking up another bag and toying with the straps. She then moved to the books, running her ingers over the spines lovingly. She replaced some books she knew she wanted. She found a book on crystal healing; the shop had one wall full of crystals and polished rocks. Konane had told her about using herbs and 'natural' supplements to heal. She figured she could read bout it at least.

She lightly touched a rock carved and polished into an obsidian heart. It was beautiful. She put that into her pack as well. Something about it reminded her of Soran.

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