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She smiled at Deuce's belief that her daughter was coming back. Iskata didn't say anything but she wasn't so sure. She'd seen all that was left of the fire striken lands, and it wasn't much at all. She kept quiet though and watched the young ones play as the pale wolfen spoke. Iskata gazed back at her as she tried to keep her composure when she replied. "I'm not sure if Phoenix is..." she stated softly after Duece spoke of the surity that they would all return. Iskata didn't want to bring the news to the world that she'd been harboring inside after Kansas had told her, but their old packmates deserved to know.

She looked back to the children and shook her head sadly. "Icarus didn't make it out of the fire.... and Kansas said that Phoenix and Moon had been attacked and taken away. Kansas said Phoenix was hurt badly....." She hadn't wanted to believe it, but after everything Skoll had said to her it all added up in the end. She turned her face away from the pale hued female that had shared feelings for Phoenix as she tried to be strong. Somehow she'd always thought that if she stayed strong, others could too, even when she was dying inside.

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