A new home, but the same feelings
OOC: Nosy Delilah can has in? I took the liberty of setting the time, if you don't mind.

Delilah has spent her first day in the pack exploring. The white wolfess had loved discovering every square inch of her new territory. There was so much to see...! Finding shelter had been a hassle, but otherwise she had found nothing wrong. She wanted to meet some new friends, but because of her shyness she hadn't bought herself to introduce herself... yet.

That afternoon she saw a somewhat peculiar sight: a hollow log, covered in someone's scent. Crouching so she could get a good sniff, Delilah soon found herself nearly nose-to-nose with another wolf. Her eyes widened, her ears flattened, and she jumped back with a strangled yip all within moments.

Delilah's instinct was to run; she hadn't gotten a good look at the canine within, and they might attack. Still, she told herself not to be a coward. Standing back, hunched slightly, she shuffled her feet in the dirt. "I-I'm sorry," she stammered. "I didn't mean to... don't want to... wasn't trying to... I'm sorry."

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