-J- Morning Raindrops
OOC: Thanks! Bleh, short post.

Adelina had not been expecting anyone to come at all, let alone so soon, after she finished her song. She looked up at the huge male standing in front of her, letting out a small squeal. The girl backed up slightly so she could see him better. She was not used to social interactions, and it showed quite obviously in the way she lowered her ears and tucked her tail under her body. But despite this, she managed to reply with a fair amount of grace.

"Thank you very much, senor. I have been singing for more than a year, ever since I reached the age of six months. Sorry, I'm forgetting my manners. My name is Adelina. Nice to meet you, Shawchert. I would shake your hand, but I'm afraid I can't do that in this case. Well anyway, ever since I ran, well technically sailed, away from Madrid, I've been looking for a place I can call home."

The girl was afraid she had been too straightforward with what she wanted. Maybe it was too much to ask, she thought, as she crouched down, making herself appear even smaller than she really was.

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