Grey is nither black or white
Lucifer knew damn well that he wasn't allowed any where near these lands, but he wasn't hunting for his mate's daughter. He wanted the woman that he loved more then his very own life. If was willing to have the red leader stringing him up by his ears alone. Wasn't it well worth it if he was able to see him mother again? She had taken him and his sister in when no one else wanted to, she dealt with all that crap that he had put her though. She was the only family member that he had left.


He lowered him-self to the ground flatting back his ears, he didn't want her any more upset with him that what she was that day when she had to exile him out of the lands. Looking back at it now that male knew she had done only what was fair, just and right. Feeling her head run though him fur, calling to her in a higher pitched voice, like she was happy to see him again, after almost six months. He stood up a bit letting his tail shake side to side.

"I've missed ya."

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