Life without you


The male shook his head rolling his ear back as he returned her soft caring touch. The silver male had come to care deeply about the black and white female, she was like a sister to him, a very close, and very trusted friend that he would kill for, just as he could for Tala, and Jace. It was a wonderful thing having other’s to care about and knowing that if it came down to it, they would be there for him also. He lowered his head pushing his head into her shoulder then lifting his head up looking into her eyes, something bothered her, she was able to push a smile upon her face, but there was still something that was bothering her and he would not be happy till he knew really what was bothering her.


That was the only thing that he could think of that could be wrong with her, after the entire Valley was nearly in ruins from the snow storm that had came overnight and took Souls in its frost bitten hands. She was a brave soul that was no lie, but he had hoped for her sake and safety that the land of Coyotes would great her with warmth and kindness. The silver male knew that they had a track record for not being the kindest of beings with wolves, but the Valley was full of members that where really peaceful beings and wanted nothing more than to bring the warmth and love of the lands to everyone.

”Will be wh…whu…wh…wha…wait..e…eeeee….eee…waiting.”

He knew that stopping her would not be smart. She was doing something that was the best for the pack lands. She had a heart of gold, something that he was in envy of her for. He did not have something like that, he thought of what would be best for him-self and then others. He did try to think of what he could do to make others around him happy though.


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