Footprints in the sand

Word Count → 278 :: <3

Niro stared blankly at Talitha, he knew his family was different, for one... all he had left of his immidiate family from when he was born, was his sister, and even she was farther from him now. He couldn't protect her. Now, he had a broken family, his mate, his daughter from another woman, and the pups who were soon to be born any time now. He was sure cultures were different, he'd seen many different ones, so he could see how she would say that, but it didn't cause for any hatred between the two species.

"Well just keep contradicting yourself, I'm sure you will do well in the world with and without your family. Though killing yourself won't make their lives.... nor certainly not yours any better."

Niro said flatly, he looked up to spot his bird heading for him. She'd always been a sight to see since she could fly and this time was no different, it was as though she cut through the wind, that it made no difference to her as she swooped down. Niro held his arm up and Marahute landed right on it. Wincing Niro had forgotten his gloves, but she was usually careful as a bird could be, he just wished she wouldn't land so hard.

"I do hope that you change your mind about taking your life, for it's more important than letting it be snuffed in the salt water."

He said staring at her before turning to walk away, scratching the bird under her chin, one of her most favorite spots.

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