Mind If I Take a Look at Your Lovely Home?
it's all good! hehe

The silence between the two she-wolves was comfortable. Mizu didn't mind it, it was nice to just be able to look around and enjoy the view with another person without having to talk. She looked around. The clouds were big and puffy in the sky and the sky was a wonderful blue. She smiled, the color reminded her of the water. She hadn't been fishing in a while, hopefully she still remembered how to do it when she tried it again. She grinned, like she could ever forget.

Jace led her to a pretty much destroyed area. She explained that it was damaged in a snow storm. Mizu hadn't been here for the storm but had heard horror stories on its impact and such. She looked over it. She could tell it used to be beautiful, now though it look sad. Horses and livestock had been kept here. Most of them had probably died. Her spirits dampened a bit. She loved horses and thinking of them being killed didn't quite make her happy. There was a ranch a little ways away from the barn. Someone had probably lived there and now it was ruined. She frowned, she hadn't ever lost her home like that, she could imagen what it would be like though. "It must have been devistating when it happened." She frowned again. "I am always willing to help reconstruct when the time comes." She smiled happily, a little hard work would do her good.

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