i know my ship is coming in
Thanks for the heads up! 500+

          The wounded male's declaration of life would have otherwise made Alae grin coquettishly, although his current state wasn't in a place or time for humor to show. Suddenly taking the weight of his words into consideration, Alae was fretful if he caused a concussion upon him by colliding with the Earth so unpleasantly. It was a possibility, and as the black and red male laid dazed for several moments, the Sidhe took the opportunity to lock gaze with him. His eyes challenged the depth of the ocean's blue, a deep navy difficult to resist from observing. Her own sky blue eyes were looking for dilation of his pupils beyond the beauty of his eyes, attempting to note any telltale signs that a strike to his head was likely from the distance he fell from the tree.

          The Dahlian didn't pay any attention to little movement he did with his free hand, but in the next moment her wrist was suddenly seized swiftly by his grasp. Alae didn't gasp, but her arm suddenly went hard. Her breath stopped for that moment as well, taking little seeping streams into her nostrils, her eyes widening at his own. Her touch had been unwelcome in that moment, and Alae remained perfectly still as light and dark blue eyes clashed with one another. Among his eyes she observed the chiseled nature of his facial features; he was not old, but not necessarily young either. Remaining still as stone, he could easily sprain her wrist even in his wounded position. She did not do any more motions, not moving a single muscle until he realized her purpose.

          He relaxed, which caused her tensed arm to relax only slightly. Attempting to sit up, Alae let him do what he wanted in free range of movement. Wary from his sudden seizure of her wrist, she didn't want to make anymore physical contact unless it was verbally warranted by him. Testing out his range of mobility, the Sidhe observed this while he felt his side for pain. Expressing back ache, his fingers revealed crimson that was hard to discern against the dark color of his coat, but her searching eyes could see the faint outline of a gash through his side. "You didn't fracture a rib, thankfully. Just a gash, but a deep one." Alae said, noting the tell-tale signs of such. If he had been in short of breath, severe pain, and coughing up blood, it would have been a different story. A gash was still just as painful, but thankfully flesh could scar and heal better than bone could. He was a fortunate one.

          Alae had to get him to the ocean's edge immediately. Fortunately for him, salt water was a natural antiseptic to sterilize open wounds. Casting a glance over her shoulder, she judged their position in relation to the shoreline. While movement probably wasn't his first alternative, it was necessary in this situation. "I need to get you to the water, to sterilize your wound. I'll help you up." The Sidhe demanded of him, not giving room for any attentiveness. Despite how she was not aware of any other problems except for the gash and numerous scrapes suffered from the fall, she assumed he would suffice enough to get to the water to cleanse his wound, and then Alae could work from there. Standing up, her hand extended down to reach his own and pull him up, if needed.


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