And My Dreams Complicate It
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Sorry for the wait. x_x; Muse has been slow what with rl difficulties.

Fiachra wasn't surprised that these two were new to Anathema. The female - Panda, a name befitting of the features of its bearer - was extraordinarily polite. Fedora fidgeted slightly, and Fiachra cast her a menacing glare, making the girl still immediately. If she fidgeted in front of her new Mistress, Fiachra might be in trouble for presenting an unworthy servant. However, Fiachra spoke pleasantly to her packmate, returning the friendly sentiment. "We are both pleased to make your acquaintance as well." It was true enough; Fiachra wasn't displeased, and Fedora would learn not to have an opinion if she knew what was best.

The invitation for lunch was a kind one, and the Zepar took no issue with accepting it. "Lunch sounds excellent. Fedora, go to the food storage and fetch us some meat. You ought to be able to find fish or small game in there." Fedora paused at her sister's order, looking taken aback and slightly nervous. Fiachra's icy blue eyes met her sister's golden, daring her to challenge her. Fedora's face flashed with momentary fear; she did not know what her sister's damage was, but she was getting the sense that she would be smart to not ask questions in this situation. She was, of course, not even a part of the pack yet - these wolves, even her sister, could tear her to shreds right here, in cold blood and in good conscience too. Three to one, not good odds, especially considering that Fiachra had always been the stronger of the two, and looked only to have become tougher, more ragged, since being away.

Fedora disappeared toward the food storage, which she had been shown earlier, and procured two fish for them. When she brought them back, her sister looked them over, then selected the larger of the two for herself. "Looks good. Thank you, Fedora." Her tone held that she was thanking her sister for something more than fetching fish; Fiachra was glad for her sister's obedience. She was cold, yes, but she did so care for her sister, which is why she was giving her to Naniko. It was the highest honour, in Fiachra's mind. She handed the fish to Panda with a grateful smile. "Thank you for making us lunch," she said sincerely, and both females sat down to wait for their food.


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