A rest in the shade

WC: 422 OOC: ramble ramble, and no i was yawning cause i did that at 3 in the morning Wink.

Niro felt bad that he couldn’t help Leon any more than he could to say the man he was looking for probably didn’t pass by here, or was missed by Niro entirely, which could easily have been the case. He smiled as the man introduced himself, happy he didn’t have to speak the man’s last name.

“It is a pleasure as well Leon, thank goodness your last name is not you’re first I am afraid my head would explode from trying to pronounce it!”

He said in a joking manner, though he was normally cautious Niro was still a fun loving man, and as he had few worries right now, he was in a good mood, the only worry on his mind was his sister though, and he wondered if she was alright, taking care of pups as a single mother, because that stupid brute of a man couldn’t man up and be her mate, instead he’d left her alone, at least that’s what he’d gotten the last time he talked to her.

“Ah we are taking time away from the family, it seems Marahute here, isn’t fond of puppy squeals and I’d like to prevent her from eating my son, walks like these help her I think.”

He laughed, though he wasn’t one for hearing his son whining for food, he didn’t hate it either and he could easily quell the boy, unless he was hungry. He had no problems with the boy, though he had to get out every once in a while, and he let his mate do the same when she had the problem of being cooped up too long. He liked acting as part of a team, though at the moment, she couldn’t stay away long or he’d have to find a nursing mother, which he didn’t like that, he’d rather have her do it, though he never had any instances where he had to bring him to one.

“Pups are nice and all but they are quite loud sometimes!”

He said fondly out of thin air, barely knowing his mind was going a mile a minute. He looked the man over wondering what pack he was from, he hadn’t really smelled the particular pack smells he had on him.

“If I may inquire, what pack are you residing in?

He asked, reaching up an arm to rub a knuckle under Marahute’s beak, her favorite spot for a good stratch.

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Table by Meghann!


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