i know my ship is coming in

          Any other might have left the tree meanderer for dead, or would have left him unnoticed. It was his fortunate and chance alone to be in the company of a healer from the Dahlian soil, and Alae tended to make the best of every situation possible. There was certainly no real need to help another that wasn't of Dahlian rank, or someone who was a complete stranger, but everything in nature deserved some sort of tribute or helping hand to prosper and grow. Every Luperci specie, no matter how dark their heart and souls were, deserved to be nurtured in this world while they were still alive.

          Voicing his concern that he was well enough alright (and Alae assuming he was still just a little shaken up from his fall), there was no need from him to be in the cold ocean's water any longer than they were. Alae wouldn't attest to that, for she was able to clean his gash enough so the saltwater could do its magic upon sterilizing his wound. At the sound of him having herbs on him that could assist further with healing, Alae was compelled to know just what herbs he possessed, and if he himself was familiar with medicinal herbs in general. "If you say so. I am still applying a cold rock from the ocean to your ankle, it needs a little more time for the cold to compress it." The Sidhe would deal with leaving the waters as the male led them both out of the surf, but not before recovering a smooth rock from the sands in order for him to keep it in place on his ankle a little bit longer. Meandering to the shore, there was a coquettish smile to cross her agouti muzzle at the male's quip. "Unlike most others, I can deal with a little cold to my paws." Alae reassured, keeping her smile to herself while they met the sandy beach again.

          Standing above the male as he sat down to regain his bearings again on where exactly they were, he expressed how her efforts weren't necessary for his benefit. Crossing her arms, one of her brows quirked up at him. "Oh? Next time I'll remember to leave you for dead, then." Alae responded, but her voice was full of good natured sarcasm, and her smile was a devious one showing play. She silently extended her hand with the smooth rock she obtained, hinting for him to take it and apply it to his ankle while it was still cold. Offering his gratitude then, Alae nodded in silence with her smile still bearing. "I'm Alae. It's nice to meet you as well Jaden, though I wish our meet would have been a little more formal than you falling from a tree." Alae said, which made her wonder some other things in that moment. "What kind of herbs do you have exactly? And what were you doing in that tree in the first place?" Alae inquired, falling then to her knees in a graceful seated position like a child eager to listen to a story to be told by Jaden.


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