Will you tell me those sweet lies

Word Count → 307 :: Smile

The girl had paused where she was at the entrance of the den, one hand still lifted and resting on the cool limestone walls of the cavern. When the girl replied to her, Clover was happy to note that her tone was not overly annoyed at Clover’s trespassing. In fact, the woman seemed quite nice. When she spoke of her puppies, a smile present, Clover couldn’t help but beam a grin back. "Oh, congratulations!" The thought of new life and cute wriggling puppies was one to always cheer the hippie child.

When she revealed that she could use some company, Clover was torn whether to stay or to go. It was clear that neither of her sisters were here, but Clover thought it might be nice to spend time with someone new nonetheless. Her sisters wouldn’t be going anywhere soon (especially Sage who had been recovering from her snowstorm injury) and Clover could easily try and look for them later. It was getting late, the sun sinking lower and lower behind the horizon that was now blocked from view. The Vexillarius hadn’t really noticed how hungry she had actually gotten. "Ooo, a little snack would be just lovely," she replied, her voice somewhat hushed still. "That is, if you’re sure you don’t mind. I really don’t want to impose on you, or anything."

Her hand fluttered away from the stone and Clover took one step into the main area of the cavern, as if testing the waters. "Aeron? That’s a pretty name. I’m Clover. It’s wonderful to meet you." Lately she had been spending so much time outside of Inferni’s lands, she hadn’t taken enough time to get to know the people within the borders. She was almost positive this would be a refreshing encounter, and that thought was clearly reflected by the smile adorning her features.

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