Shelter from the Storm
OOC: Thanks for the tips! I'll be sure to fix them! soory for the short post but my muse left me to day Sad

IC: Aurora slid down a steep rock as she made her way towards the high way. She brushed off her dirty pads and looked up at up at the darkening sky, its ominous shade of gray foretold a storm. Aurora shivered, felling small rain drops fall on her snow pelt grow heavy. The darkening sky foretold of the storm to come, but Aurora ignored its first warnings, hopping she could go on a few more miles. The low rumble of thunder's voice sounded through near by valleys and distant lightning left bright streaks in the sky, Aurora had to find shelter.

Aurora clutched here worn leather bag in her paws as she ran through the thorns and brush of the old road which seemed to be alive, wanting to tare her soft flesh. As lightning lit up the sky once more, her eyes saw a dark cluster of rocks that signaled the entrance of a dark cave. Aurora stumbled and almost fell face first in to the dark mud. The odd-eyed lady concentrated on there Lupus form, imagining her thin figure. Her tail started the change, it shortened but still keep it signature length. Thigh and quadriceps compacted in to thin legs and strong hocks, the action being out lined by the cool rain. Her spine shortened taking her rib cage along with her. The white lady stretched her arms and hands in to legs and delicate paws. Her human like neck stretched out and the thick main upon her head shorted in to a thick pach of snowy fur. To finish her marvelous transformation aurora's muzzle widener and stretched to a proportional length in a seemingly painful manner. Aurora couched down to hold up the leather handle of the worn bag in her muzzle, and sprang to to the cave with all the energy she had left.

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