i know..i know..i know
She watched him out of the corner of her eye as he started to put on the foolish little boy routine, she flicked an ear and acted like she hadn't seen him. After a while she was so tempted to cuff him about the head like she'd have done with her own children when they got annoyingly out of line when they knew better, but she didn't. It seemed that he knew just short of when to stop because in the next few second he rolled back over and was chattering away again. She rolled her eyes before turning back to him, listening to what he said.

She chuckled and shook her head when he suggested that their kids get together and play, obviously he wasn't realizing how much older she was than him, her own kids were nearly grown now. "Mine are hardly pups anymore, they're all off on their own trying to figure out where they are going." She flicked her ears back as she watched him trying to eat the grass, smirking slightly when he ate the bug as well.

She yawned and flicked the flower petals off her foreleg with a brush of her tail. She paused for a second when she realized something about what he had said. "You're Deuce's mate..." she suddenly said. She hadn't really realized it until he'd spoken of Noah, the little pup that had played around her paws when Deuce and her had been exchanging news not so long ago. "You're watching over my grandchildren..." They weren't really her grandchildren, but family was an important part of her life, and even the adopted ones were looked upon as fullblood kin in her circle.

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