when one was desolate
:O! <3

          Heading westbound proved to be beneficial to his prolonged travels beyond this whole journey for him. There had been clues before that Helios assumed there was a hunch on, but none of them followed through to anything significant. None of the clues could compare to the scent upon the skeleton of the tree, a scent that flooded a reverie of his earliest memories into his mind. Anxiousness sent his nerves in a frenzy, feeling jittery, uneasy, enlivened, thrilled. The D'Angelo's senses were still attempting to relish in the after scent of his mother, until in the distance of the dark, a voice called out to him from slightly above him on the mountainside.

          The voice was demanding of who he was, stating this was Anathema. Anathema… why did it sound vaguely familiar, as if Helios recalled hearing it once before? While his senses were still in a fray, his mind couldn't immediately process where Anathema was heard before, but Helios recalled hearing it when he was a juvenile. Brushing the bang fringe that often overshadowed his right eye, jade eyes squinted uphill to a tall luperci figure who was pure white. The darkness had veiled her figure some, casting her as more off-grey in the darkness. Details were sketchy in the shadows, and from the tone of her voice, seemed like there was some distance between them until any close encounter was to happen.

          It didn't help that Helios blended in near perfect with the shadows, so the lanky rogue stood his ground, clearing his voice. "Helios." He shouted up to her, deciding it would be better to leave the surname out for now and to keep it simple. "If it's not much trouble… is this pack, Anathema…" There was a breaking pause, the word sounding terribly familiar upon his tongue, but disregarded the sudden strangeness felt. "… was Anathema once from the east of here?" Helios felt a tinge of foolishness for asking such a question at this hour of the night, but it turned out he was on the path to something that could possibly provide answers.



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