
Table by Sie

The girl had a way about her, an essence that sometimes made Sirius reflect on himself, his own youth. The Revlis man was not narcissistic, but his ego was undoubtedly larger than some, and it pleased him to think of the girl possessing some of the same cunning he had been blessed with. But in that realization came a sharp mental note to keep an eye on Salvia; Not purely for her usefulness to him, but also for her capacity to damage. She would have to be groomed most profusely.

Eris would not mind - She seemed to trust the umber male implicitly, in almost all things, as though she had acknowledged his higher intelligence as being correct in all circumstances. While the Revlis man may have pleased himself by thinking this true, he was far to canny to accept it - Failure was an important aspect of survival, and he was, after all, a mortal being.

The earthen-toned girl spoke up again, her direct tone wavering with youth and excitement. Sirius' brows rose in mock surprise, his large ears flipping forward again. 'Five months, indeed! Why, you have grown up so fast," Smooth tones were dipped generously in praise and affection; How much was genuine and how much false, it was impossible to tell. Only the calculative hues of his eyes could ever reveal such a thing. "Almost an adult, my Salvia... Well, I must say, you look less like a child every day." This was meant as a genuine compliment, and there was a fair mount of truth within in. With only two pups to care for, the larger quantity of food they ate was fast leading to large growth. Her brother was undoubtedly to be as large as his father, if not more so - Salvia, also, although Siri hoped that she might retain some of the natural slimness that had strongly accompanied his strain of the bloodline.

A slow smile smoothed his features, sharp like the Cheshire cat's. "You'll likey be shifting soon, girl," He said, very delicately. After her shift, she would become of real use to him, and the Revlis man would indeed enjoy factoring her into his plans. She would be a useful weapon, he had little doubt.

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