i know my ship is coming in

Sorry for being sOOooOO late =( Words-800+

Jaden’s ears flattened when Alae reveled to him that Conor had left Dahlia de Mia. He looked away as he took this in. Conor was gone, and with him the only reason for Jaden to stay in this territory. He still owed the man his life but because Alae didn’t have knowledge of where he had gone it seemed Conor’s where about might not be common knowledge. The former assassin was a proud luperci and the fact that he would probably never be able to repay his debt now thoroughly disappointed him. Perhaps he could still approach the new Alpha and offer his alliance, if only to repay the entire pack for what their former leader had done. Jaden had little to offer besides being a soldier, but it would be something. Or maybe he would just let them alone and find his way out of ‘Souls. Right when things seemed to be going somewhere, they were stopped dead and Jaden was left unsure of his future once again. “It isn’t your problem or a problem you caused so no need to apologize.” He said with an unsteady and disappointed smile. “But It is a shame you lost such a great leader.”

Jaden thought about Conor for a long moment before Alea’s remark about him being run down by deer brought the optime out of his concentration. He chuckled in response and again took appreciative notice of Alae’s delicate laugh. It hadn’t been as funny when it actually happened, but Jaden grinned again as he thought about it.

The Sea stone the Alaskan had been using to compress his ankle was finally warm. He had stopped putting it on the injury a just a second ago, but now when he realized he should be reapplying the cool rock, it was too late. With a sigh he tossed it away from him, making a small crater and sending the soft sand flying. He looked to Kael before standing up and hoped he hadn’t startled the magnificent creature. It still seemed to be edging toward them, bit by bit, but definitely more in Alae’s direction. Satisfied Kael wasn’t too disconcerted about him standing up Jaden drew in his sore legs under him and stood shakily. “I’m glad he is somewhat gentle then.” He breathed and stretched his back. A few pops could be heard and Jaden sighed when he felt how stiff his body was. Great, He thought, that’s going to hurt tomorrow.

The beach was peaceful despite all that had already taken place on it. Jaden’s dark eyes scanned the sand for his bow again. He wanted to gather his things before he got too comfortable. In his condition he wanted to just sit for a long time. With his bow and satchel still resting in their different places it would be difficult to rest knowing they could just suddenly disappear if a thief or curious animal decided to snatch them up. Alae would most likely stop such a pest from taking the injured man’s things. She didn’t seem the type to be deceitful. But he also knew she had come out here for other reasons besides to just sit and talk to him, which is what she continued to do now. She complimented his knowledge of healing and to that he said, “Thank you,” with a smile. As he turned to go gather his supplies Alae also said she might like to visit Alaska in the future. This made him stop in mid-limp and he spun back to her quickly, just about tell her not to EVER go there. But he stopped with his maw open in a distressed way and just smiled awkwardly. He remembered he hadn’t explained to her why he had really left Alaska. Who he used to be was deeply rooted in the evil group of assassins who ruled that area. But he couldn’t just be silent. If Alae actually went to Alaska, god knows what those fowl murders would do to her. She wasn’t tundra wolf and her earthy hues practically screamed that. Uva Atka would most likely kill, enslave, or do worse her if she wandered to close to their territory. Most would just do the one of the first choices but a few of the pack members Jaden knew would take advantage of such a pretty wolf if no one was around to stop them. “Alaska is quite full of shady characters,” he said eventually. “That’s why I left. It would be better for you to avoid the place I think. It is nothing different from here anyway. I traveled from there didn't even see anything of consequence on the way.”

When Alae answered his question with the word ‘wonder lust’, Jaden smiled. What a nice term. It told a lot about the femme. “In that case, I hope you don’t plan on leaving too soon. It would be a shame if you just disappeared beyond the sea one day.” He smiled at her before turning to collect his bow and satchel. He tried not to limp too badly but the pain was still fresh and he wasn’t too sure of how best to use his injured paw.

Jaden does. "Jaden speaks." Jaden thinks.

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