when one was desolate

Prevailing down the mountainside, the figure that was dim from the contrast of the dark began to become a brighter apparition in the shadows. A figure of strong femininity, carrying with her the confidence of the world upon her shoulders. Wrapped around her waist was a tightly secured belt, freely displaying the sharpened dagger she carried. A compact weapon, but a weapon nonetheless. Impressive in stature, the pale Luperci drew closer, approaching with a lengthy speech.

In this moment, Helios could have collapsed then and there. His heart stopped, skipping a mere beat when Selene D'Angelo was mentioned. Even more, when Roman was spoken. Captured by silence, Helios was left speechless despite Naniko's wordy response to him. Her words held weight that metaphorically punched him square in the jaw, and then again, words that Helios didn't feel like he comprehended completely.

Camouflaged in the shadows, Helios too took a bold step forward to where Naniko could see his faint charcoal outlines and the wide, shocked gaze of his jade eyes. Mirroring his exact gaze on point, Helios was startled to realize Naniko held the same rich hue of jade as his very own. Even more, startled to realize Naniko reminded him precisely of Selene. "A dark wolf with eyes the color of my father, Roman." Helios breathed, his voice shaken with shock. There was no elaboration that Helios was a D'Angelo through and through; his very presence was the ghost of Roman before Naniko. Helios never really seen Roman in the fur and flesh before him, but had always been told he was an exact mirror of him.

Briefly picking apart information in regards to the lands of the East, Chimera was mentioned, but the pack disbanded sometime ago. Suddenly the aspect of finding out the mystery of the lands to the East flew right out of mind, as Helios' mind struggled with bearings upon Naniko before him. Naniko had said "our father", indicating a plural relationship. "Roman is your father too, then. We are siblings, then." Helios confirmed aloud, attempting to convince himself this relationship between himself and Naniko was actually through blood. Still, the relationship the two strangers had didn't click right away with him. Nor did it feel authentic, despite how Naniko did look strikingly similar to how Selene looked. This was beginning to scare him a little.

"Where is our sister, Selene?" The D'Angelo suddenly inquired, finding it strange to know this was technically Naniko's sister as well. So many questions began to materialize in his mind, but Helios couldn't barrage her all at once with them. First thing was first, and that was finding the whereabouts of Selene.


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