when one was desolate

Of course. <3

Helios couldn't help but let his jade eyes keep themselves transfixed upon Naniko intently. This was certainly the shock of the century for him, for the D'Angelo had no idea his nose would lead him to basically a stranger who was genetically related to him by the same father, and had never met. Naniko made it a point they were not litter-mates, for their was another sibling by the name of Pontiac who was also from this first litter. What was surprising was Naniko and this Pontiac were older than himself and Selene. Helios blinked in silence to himself. Why Kaelyn had never explained to him nor Selene about this first litter until now, Helios would never know. More bizarre history kept coming out of the woodwork the more Naniko explained, and Helios nearly wanted to deny every single fact she spoke. Can't be true, couldn't be true, but it is.

Offering hospitality to Helios, the dark D'Angelo could only dumbly nod in acknowledgement to her offer as her motion led them to the areas inside of the territory. Striding beside her, he temporarily forgot her inquiry of his arrival upon Anathema's borders as he was still in a state of puzzlement about everything. Snap back to reality, Heli. Focus. Shaking his head to himself (and tossing his wayward bangs to the side), there was a pause before he responded. "I smelled my mother's—" Correction, Kaelyn was also Naniko's mother too. "—our mother's scent in the Eastern lands, at that Chimera area you mentioned. I… wasn't sure if it was really her that lingered, but it was just like how I remembered her." Helios explained, narrowing his jade eyes toward Naniko. "I originally been on the run to track Selene. Turned up nothing until now. Well, more than I needed to know." Helios added with an amused snort, thankful this time it wasn't another dead end situation.

Then again, it was a dead end situation. Overwhelmed with so much surprise for the evening, Helios' blood ran cold in his veins when Naniko explained Selene didn't walk this Earth any longer. Swallowing hard, his jade gaze adverted blankly off into the distance as Naniko told of her death by accident. Not particularly close to Selene growing up, there were few reveries remembered of her in their younger years. Feeling like he had arrived too late in his long journey, Selene left three legacies behind: Demi, Ouija, and Juju. More news to send his mind spinning. "Accidental how?" Helios questioned, continuing to keep the pace beside Naniko. There was a passionate frustration in his question, wondering how accidental something could be to lose his sister's life.


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