Come as you are
He would never let go of her, she was a gem. The male would come back, and start a family with her, and he would take care of her, he would make sure that she only had to worry about her pack, he would kill to make her life worth living again. Lucifer pulled his head back as he looked at her, the male smiled looking to her, he wanted to make a promise, he wanted to make sure that she understood that he was a leader of another pack. " sweet. I promise that I will be here for you, though I have a pack I must tend to first. Other then that you have all of me."

He would have to make a point to shower her in gift, things that shimmered and shined, and sparked. He was going to ask her to be his lover. He wouldn't tell about Deuce, and Deuce wouldn't know about her. The plan was flawless. The male had an idea how to go about it, he would wait for the next full moon, and then ask her, beg her. The male knew that even if she was an older female she needed to be loved, and needed to be wanted just the same.

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