M-Just inhale deeply
Demi handed him the joint and watched with interest as he took a puff. The little goddess always found a sick and weird fascination in watching others suffer, especially those at her own hand. A pleasant little smile crossed her lips as he took way too much for his first time. Of course she didn’t intercede and stop him, that was part of the fun. When the cough escaped his lips she merely fell backwards in laughter, her pleasant little giggles having no end even has he spoke his objections to the weed. Finally she composed herself enough to rise back up, the hint of laughter still never leaving her face as she took another small hit of the joint.

“Oh just Weed,” she mused as she exhaled with a certain glint in her eye. Demi didn’t offer him another hit, simple she put the joint out, taking care to not waste much before tucking the extinguished roach into a small satchel. Sure she had more but she wouldn’t let onto that just yet until she could gauge him better.

Demi’s hand reached for her bottle of wine, the unsoiled wine not mixed with her special concoction and took a swing to clear her dry mouth. Out of reflex she offered him a swig.

“Never done drugs before?” she asked innocently enough.

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