M-Just inhale deeply
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http://i692.photobucket.com/albums/vv28 ... ite_50.png);">

//OOC:// SHORT. ;-;

When she handed him the joint, he took it carefully and took a smaller puff off of it this time, fearing the coughing fit he'd had before. On the exhale, he handed it back. I hope you're right. Alaki's stubborn though. He hadn't really meant to say names, but her mentioning her 'Teddy' (he assumed that was Theodore, the pack's second-in-command under Naniko. He hadn't met the guy yet, but he'd been told a little about him and he'd seem him wandering the caves at times. It didn't come as a surprise that she and Theodore were a welcome couple to Naniko, considering how close all three likely were if Demi was indeed a relative.

Finished with that thought, though, Teo sighed, leaning back to rest on his elbows and abadoning his bracelet. He quickly found himself giving into his thoughts, much to his dismay. I've never really had a fight with anyone before. It's weird. We basically live together but neither of us are really talking to eachother right now... He was murmuring more than speaking, keeping his tone low and soft, mostly thinking out loud. I don't know how to make it up to him without making it worse... any ideas? He looked over at her hopefully, glad to have someone to talk to who wasn't involved already.


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