M-Just inhale deeply
It seemed to be a much smaller world than she could ever have guessed. The man who had once been paired with her mother now had taken a gay lover and she almost giggled at the irony. Demi knew Alaki was a flakey, terrible excuse for a man and her opinion of him had only risen a little since their last meeting. But her feelings of ill will toward Alaki where over shadowed by the forlorn nature of her current companion. She frowned a bit after the name drop, she could sense this Matteo was a gentle soul, and whether it be because her defenses where down or her growing acceptance of becoming a mother soon she wasn’t sure but she didn’t want to see him hurt.

She reached over and patted his shoulder, comfortable with the knowledge that unless he swung both ways that this male wouldn’t be looking at her with lust filled eyes. Else they would suffer Teddy’s wrath. The Demi-Goddess took the joint, took one last puff and handed it back to him, one last remained toke was left, unless she rolled another one, or moved on to the shrooms.

“The first fight with Teddy, he got so mad he hurt himself, I felt so bad, I treated him for the injury and made up with him. The next time wasn’t so easy. I did something I didn’t realize would have hurt him so badly. My brother and I used to share a very loving relationship; he caught us even though there was no formal relationship and became jealous. He confronted me and for a few months,” she paused as she laid down once again, her eyes almost threating to shed tears.

“What finally worked for us was talking to each other when we were ready to talk about it. Then everything else just seemed to fade away.” She looked over at him, wondering what it was that had caused the split between him and Alaki. She wondered if there was anything she could do, but figured it might be a lost cause for her to show up.

“Alaki and I aren’t exactly on good terms with each other,” she finally admitted.

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