When help is needed
wc: 406

Althea dark brown eyes once again critically scanned, the light lemon stranger who stood at what would usually be an uncomfortable distance, to close that is. Foxglove seemed young maybe as young as herself though it was hard to tell when someone from your own species stands on different legs then you and a much, much different shape and look. As well as the need to arch her neck up rather uncomfortable. It would be more comfortable to sit though she wouldn't back down now, she already made her self look like a pitiful coward.

Slowly, the white and beige she wolf's walls started to crumble with the more familiarity and kindness this Aniwaya showed. Attempting a small grin, with long canines peaking out and white bushy tail wagging lightly as the other female spoke.
"Oh, That must be an honor to do." She said sincerely, trying to be as polite and kind as possible. "I really am just there, in my pack that is. I don’t really know what to do so I just care for myself" Her voice sounding a tad wistfully as she rolled her sinewy shoulders in shrug of pretending carelessness.
Eyes glimmering lightly as the conversation sorted into her brain to be used later and give her a better understanding of the new world she had agreed to be apart of.

"Yes mam, I'll try my best, but I might need some help. though..." She said mind churning a hundred miles an hour at all this new information. "So are fences, those half trees that have no leaves and branches connect with one an other. Sorta holding prey creatures with in." Voice unsure as she tried to recall some of the others conversation and Noah's who had done his best to welcome her in and explain some of the mechanics of it all. It would have been wrong to say she did not have any friends. Because she did have that old three legged wolf, who was becoming her fatherly figure and filled up a gap that had never really been filled before by her own nomadic sire.

"So must we be going? And do you think it's possible to hunt along the trail, I haven't had much of a proper meal in my travels here." She said shyly feeling a but silly asking for food when they had already delayed to long on there introductions and work must be done.

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