[M] The Best Activity For A Beach
I'm going to assume this happened while Barrett was on his way to join CD, since I've been playing him as if he'd been around the city for about a week before he officially rejoined anyway and I wanted to have a thread with you Big Grin

Things must have been pretty sour for Barrett to decide he needed a bath, but even he had to admit after nearly a fortnight of travel and a week of hard labour the level of dust, dirt, and grime had gotten unacceptable. He'd done a satisfactory amount of damage control around the garage and his meeting with Savina was starting to feel a little overdue. Unfortunately, showing up matted and muddy wouldn't be proper.

And so, the boy made his way to the coast. He left his bag nestled amongst some rocks while he bathed in the waters whose chill was reminiscent of winter. The vast Atlantic probably wouldn't be suitable for (comfortable) swimming for another month, but this had to be done. He used his fingers to comb through his fur and loosen the soil that clung there; once finished he made sure to launder his pants as well.

As soon as possible he was out, shaking briskly and fervently soaking up the midday sun. It was only then he caught the soft scent of a female above that of the salty sea. He gathered up his things, slinging his backpack over one shoulder and the wet pants over another, and went to investigate. Once he reached the top of a small dune he spotted the lady, whose back was turned to his position. To some combination of alarm and amusement, he watched as the--apparently intoxicated--woman stumbled and fell in the sand.

Barrett couldn't help himself; he started to make his way over as she lay down (this time voluntarily) and sprawled out across the beach. His tail swung as his head popped into her field of view, a quizzical and bemused expression on his face. "How you holdin' up there, captain?" he asked, tone casual and non-judgemental. Everyone had their vices; he couldn't care less what others did as long as they weren't dicks about it.

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