[M] The Best Activity For A Beach
She sighed happily as the cool water seeped into her fur. She stared at the ocean and saw the fish. "The fish would be fine." She never had been a good cook. Even if it was simple like a can of soup. "I'm from a place far away from here. There it is summer almost all year round. It's a lot cooler here." She looked at the knife he was using and said "where did you get that knife, it's cool." She was intrigued by the object. She asked him after "Where are you from?" It was nice meeting others. It made her feel as if she wasn't going to go to insane any time soon.

She watched the fish cook. It smelled delicious. "I'm guessing you know how to cook, probably better than me." She gave him a small smile and then looked at the ocean once again. Watching the waves slowly roll in and pull back. The fire warmed her, and suddenly she wondered where she'd stay tonight. Sleeping on the beach wouldn't be that bad.

OOC- I could have used the table, but I'm using a school laptop.

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