Clouds between my knees

Red perked his ears at the sound of someone moving. He hadn’t noticed until now, but there was a female walking below. She was oddly colored; her fur hue reminded him of clear pools of water or ice on a lake. The other was looking around, no doubt because she had smelt him. That was the only problem with his cloak; he could hide in a tree all day but he couldn’t get rid of his scent. Quietly he cursed himself for being careless and not watching out. Right about then he heard an out-of-place rustle of leaves above him.

Now, all trees made a certain amount of noise, even without wind. The trick was not to listen for sound, but to listen for a sound that was abnormal. Red turned slightly and looked over his cloaked shoulder at the eagle above him. Hazel eyes studied the large gray bird above him, and he frowned. He didn’t recognize the species, so it was possible that this bird either strayed far from its usual range or was blown in by accident. The hybrid grinned up at the bird, showing his abnormal right canine. ”¿Tú lost, me amigo?” He spoke quietly to the bird before turning back to the situation involving the female below him.

So far, she hadn’t shown that she had even seen him. Sure, she might have scented something abnormal, but if he held where he was for long enough she might forget about it and leave. He would rather not explain to this wolf, who probably was in Cer’s pack, why he was in their territory and who he was. Especially because of the language gap; it was extremely unlikely that this female spoke Spanglish.


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