Clouds between my knees
OC: This was an element to Etalpalli I'd thought to add, and for this thread, it just seemed like the fun thing to do Smile

When the leafy coywolf moved below and spoke to Etal in a bastardized form of a language she had heard Etalpalli's family had used for generations, the female knew she'd been right and this would be an interesting encounter indeed..

The grey eagle cocked her head, curious. Long had it been since she'd heard that language, not since she and Wind had departed the Aquilla. She waited until the coywolf had returned to watching Wind and spoke, "Yo no soy perdido, usted mira para ser." Silly hybrid, thought the bird, who directed her next comment, in Low Speech, to her ice furred companion, "Half-breed is here, he is. Poor Spanish he speakses,"[/i] the eagle fluffed up her prominant feather crest, shifting her weight and causing the limb she sat on to sway. This has two purposes, one, it was fun, making leaves fall down on the Half-breed, and two, it gave Wind a better idea of the location of the Half-breed, who probably had fleas, or at least, Etal thought he should as he was part Pretender.

Sharp white ears flicked as Etal's words came to her, and a chuckle caught in her throat. Still, the blind she thought it wise not to let her connection with the grey eagle be known just yet. She knew wen to keep her cards close, particularly with strangers. Spanish, she had some of, but not nearly as much as Etalpalli did. Most of the Aquillan wolves knew some, though they were primarily of European descent, they just knew it because the majority of their bird companions had been from South America. Etal's family had taught their chicks to speak bilingually (some Spanish and Low Speech) and to understand most High Speech, though they could not speak that. As Etal had been chosen as Wind's guide, and the two would be leaving the pack, Spanish for Etal had been emphasized, just as Low Speech had for Wind. She finally found the coywolf in the trees, but remained where she was, "Come down then, I know you're there where you shouldn't be."

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