trials of fire
Ok and what's the date of this post? / Word Count: 513 (5 points)

Songan had been settling well into his new home. He could feel the cool air of the outdoors sinking into his home as he slept. The pelts under his body helped to provide him some warmth as well as comfort from the ground. Morning was coming and the male was up and ready. He was known for getting up early in the mornings. It gave him the time to start setting up his crafts and getting ready for the day’s work. Today he had planned on finishing the bag he was making for his brother and then head to the Town Hall and check on some things. The male yawned as he raised himself up and reached for his things. He took out the small pouch and continued to sew on some more of the beads. The feather was coming together. All that was missing now was the stem of the feather and a little something extra on the bottom. He figured he would be able to finish it tonight after he had stopped by the Town Hall. Since that was where his brother was staying, he hoped he would spot his sister while he was there. The male set aside his things as he moved outside and whistled for his horse. The horse heard its master’s call and came to him, making happy noises. He gently pet it before moving to its side and sitting up straight on its back. He was now ready to head out. He gently kicked his companion and began to head towards the village.

As Songan came closer to the village, he could see the flames of the Great Fire racing up into the sky. He was sure someone was there feeding the flames. Perhaps today he would be lucky enough to meet another member of the tribe. He slowed down his speed as he entered the village and began to make his way over towards the Town Hall. The fire’s size only increased as he came closer and noticed a figure tending to it. The smoke was clouding his gaze and making it a bit hard for him to see just who it was. He had his horse move to the side and out of the smoke so he could get a better view. The wolf working there had a female’s figure and one familiar to the old wolf. He came closer, a smile coming to his face as he colors began to appear. She had a similar pelt to himself and dressed her hair in beads. "Hello Chitsa. I’m glad to see that you made it here safely. Attending to your duties I assume?" He gave a light chuckle before sliding off his horse and moving over to his younger sister’s side. It was nice to see her again since his journey to AniWaya from the Great Tribe. He still showed his brotherly concern for her, though he masked this well. He did not wish to make it feel like he was hovering over her constantly. "I trust you are doing well?"


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