[M] Afternoon of Pleasantries

394 words/ Sorry for the delay! But here it is. And Kali is the ghost of a white wolfess.

It had been a long day for Luna. First, she had tried to stalk a group of white tailed deer, and her tryouts to catch one had been failed. In the end she had given up the hunt and had walked away, but then she twisted her wrist while walking in a muddy path. So now, crippled and hungry, she walked in a random direction, until she stepped in the trace of an injured animal, following it then. Kali followed her closely, this time showing herself as a traslucid shape.

"...hey, why don't you rest? you look very bad. No offense implied." The Lupus rolled her eyes at her companion's statement. "I said no offense implied!" "I know, just let me keep on ok? i am still hungry." This time it was the ghost who rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

The small conversation was interrupted when the Lupus smelled something else than the bloody trace of what would become her dinner. It was the smell of a nearby pack. And the trace of the injured animal continued towards it's center. The female came to a full stop, and sighed at the impossibility that she had of following her prey any further. And the events werent turning for good either. A diffuse smell reached her nose. It was a canine. Luna turned her head and spotted a dark colored, coyote-like creature walking towards her. At the beginning she wagged her tail. Maybe if she asked for permission she would be able to follow her prey. After all, she didn't face the opportunity of having an easy meal every day.

But her joy didn't last for too long. Something was wrong, and she suddenly found out what. She was past the borders of the territory. The female retreated quickly from the territory and lowered her ears and her head a bit, as well as placing her tail between her ankles. Trespassing hadn't been a wise action, and she was aware of it. However, she wasn't used to show extreme submission, and she assumed that only a light display of submission would be enough. Kali unlike her, seemed nervous. She stood beside her, her stance showing anxiety, even though her eyes were empty, as always. That wasn't a good signal. "Kali..." she muttered, but focused on the dark colored canine as he closed the distance between them.

table by lin
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