a story at three

OOC here: Table & Coding © Vannah; 732 words

Again her words didn't hit home with him. "Clothes?" The large male wore nothing but his own pelt, aside from his gris gris of course. Humans were a foreign subject for him. He only knew of luperci and figured that they had always been around. That they were the products of the gods and not some byproduct of a virus that had been spread about by humans. Humans were a non-existent notion in his mind. He'd never heard of them and therefore they had never existed even if there was evidence of them left behind. But it wasn't like Ouija depended on what they had left behind either. What it was that he needed he mostly ended up making it for himself. There was very little that he had to end up finding and putting to use. What he tended to use from day to day were things that he crafted himself. So he really had little in the way of found objects.

He chuckled and shook his head. There was no secret for what his own markings stood for. "They are just simple runes." He started off with an explanation for what they were first. "These ones here are meant for protection." He pointed to the ones that rested upon his ears. Their placement was meant for it to cover him from the top of his head and on to the pads of his feet. "These are meant for knowledge and to enhance abilities." He continued and showed off his hands, again the placement was important since he used his hands the most. He had even taken part in rituals so he needed that knowledge to perform things correctly. "The last one is just for charm." A motion was made to the one placed between his eyes. Each was meant for enhancement of one sort or another. They were all tied to teachings that he had learned in the cult.

"I certainly don't mind. Most of them are collected from over winter so they are quite small but I needed something to keep busy with." He couldn't gather any plant life so he had focused his attention on the hides instead. "I tend to keep extras because you never know when they might end up being put to use." But that was just him. He liked having extras of everything simply for just in case purposes. Besides he ended up making dolls out of the pelts at times. Others were simply layered upon the floor of the cave just for the purpose of comfort. And well, he ended up skinning any meal that he got so he had a new pelt to work on every time he ate because he didn't believe in letting anything go to waste.

A nod was given as she picked out colors from what he already had. He couldn't tell her that it wouldn't hurt since he hadn't done the original work so he was uncertain of just how it had been created. When he added color to his own creations there was no pain since he branded the area first and killed all the nerve endings. It was a one time pain when the third degree burns were placed but once they had healed then pain could no longer be felt in that area, not that anything else could be felt either. But that was just what had to be dealt with should one wish for some permanent symbol to forever reside on their body.

Ouija gathered up his needed supplies and took a seat next to the female. Multiple needles were fit together in a wooden handle specially crafted just for the purpose. The tips were then dipped into the color with one hand as his other hand reached out to try and grip the other canine's arm. He focused his attention on carefully touching up the color that was already there. He wanted to make sure it blended nicely without straying away from where the color was previously placed. He certainly didn't want to end up messing up her design. Not that he believed that he actually would. He didn't have so much experience with touch ups as he did with crafting his own from start to finish but he didn't doubt his abilities. All he was doing was starting from his second step with the guidelines already in place. At least that was the way it worked in his mind.


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