[M] Panty Raiders

WC: 660 - Incredibly late fail post, sorry hun >.<

Since the pairs departure from the land of thorns, he’d been constantly alert; one scarred hand wrapped around his blade, ready for any potential danger, for it would seem that Salsola had not been welcomed by others with open arms and the family generally didn’t welcome others all that much either. Considering this, it seemed that such precaution would be necessary and the Russo male had wished that he and the cherub proceed with caution as they moved outside of their pack lands; surely another would see them as easy pickings now that they were in the open and may take advantage of the situation to attack. The Arbiters caution was not stemmed from fear of not being able to fend of whatever came their way, no, he feared that the cherub he accompanied would be displeased with any delay in their trip.

Yet, the child-like Bastion seemed ever eager to move with little care about the world surrounding them, ever impatient about the Russo’s slow pace. Each time he fell behind his smaller companion, he would see the other waiting impatiently in a adorable manner; which did little to encourage him to up his pace. After a much, elongated trip, their travels took them to a neighbour hood in which was a mere reminder of the fallen human civilization. Choosing the nearest one, the pair entered and began to venture around the building in search of suitable clothing.

Initially, he followed the cherub into the first room, but when the other chose to go upstairs he continued to venture around the downstairs areas. Ducking through a low doorway, he entered a tiled room that he could only guess was the area in which the humans both kept and prepared. At his entry he heard a suddenly movement, as if he had startled many … things. Seeking the source of the sound, he bent down and opened a lower cupboard. Inside, bundled into one of the corners were several small rat kits, hiding behind the starved corpse of their mother. Judging from their size, he’d have guessed them to be around 4 weeks old, yet if they have been starving they could have been older.

Remembering his times where only small animals were his companions, he mentally formed the sentence in low speech before he spoke it, attempting to express to the small creatures that he meant them no harm. Four pairs of small eyes turned from frantic to a cautious curiosity, unsure if his messaged had been conveyed he spoke to convey safety and offering them a home. Cautiously, a black one with odd eyes stepped bravely forward to sniff at his hand and was soon followed by the other three. The Russo male hadn’t intended to pick up four young rats to care for, but if he had left them he knew they’d die and surely rats could have their use?

With the small kits securely placed in his coat pocket he continued to search the lower floors until the voice of the cherub called to him. Slowly, he picked his way through the surrounding rubble so that he could return to his master’s side and answer his call. Finding a path through the debris of decay, he made his way up the broken stair case and was by the others side in a short moment.

Although his ability to scent was poor, he figured out the room in which the other was in and begun to turn into the room. “Basti..” the words were cut short as the Russo male assessed the situation before him; the young Arbiter had female human underwear upon his head, pink and covered in thrills and within his mouth was what the scarred male was sure to be a human ‘sex toy’ and beside the cherub, in the boy were even more of such toys. Momentarily lost for words, he simply froze in the doorway, mouth half open as if to speak.

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