A bow for she

WC: 575

Saxif had felt glad that the wolf seemed to be passive to her slip of her status. It had almost felt like a weight was lifted, it didn’t matter here. She was who she was for the pack, a young hunter nothing more. She decided maybe it would be time to finally stop the habit of keeping her past hidden. She hoped it wouldn’t change people’s views on her but figured maybe most would be just as impassive as this wolf had just been.

When Songan’s spirit guide showed itself to her she felt honored by the gesture. The older wolf had put her at ease by assuring her in time she would have her own. She pondered for a moment which spirit would choose her. Her reaction to his short emotionless tale of his feathers had her still amazed by him. He must be a great person. She automatically assumed from the knowledge of her tribe’s belief. She would visit him often in the future with many gifts of her hunts all in hopes to stay in his good graces and thanks for the bow.

As the girl ate she continued to search the bag of trinkets, she much liked his carvings and she set aside a few fancy strings that she figured might be a nice addition. String was silent but still beautiful. Again she came upon a carving of an eagle; she smiled and set it in the pile of her liked items. In the pile were strings of different colors. She had a few flat shell beads that shimmered silver and reflected a variety of colors from the light. She didn’t want too many beads if any at all on her bow because she wanted to remain silent as she carried and ran with it. The ends, I wonder if they could have a bit of sharpness to them in case at a moment’s notice I will have to use it in close range. ‘Being prepared for any situation is something a hunter should always be’ or so my uncle always said. I don’t care so much for the weight to be light so long as it can shoot fair I will grow accustom to the heaviness. She wasn’t the best creator of things; the barn in Pheonix Valley which was loosely based off other buildings was the extent of her knowledge in creation. Her traps were often just crude replicas of her uncle’s sleek and camouflaged designs, but they worked so she didn’t feel the need to modify them.

When they had finished their breakfast she looked up at the male. She smiled satiated by the meal wondering now that she had sorted through the bag would he have enough for him to create a bow. She was excited from the fact that not only was she getting a bow but it would be decorated, it would give her such a defined and professional look as a hunter. These are the items I like. She pushed the pile forward. I don’t expect you to use all of them but figured it would give you a vague idea of my likes. From the items in the pile it was apparent Saxif liked color but she also liked tradition. I hope for it to be silent, so if any beads or shells get placed they should be secure. Oh this is so exciting. She giggled lightly in response to her own giddiness.

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