Clouds between my knees
She, hurt him? That was possible, but laughable for the most part. Not that she wouldn't defend herself if need be, but his reaction to Etal had been funny. Glancing up at Etal, Wind gave a look that said "Don't say it" The great gray eagle shifted on her perch and seemed to sneer at the newcomer "Takes him easy, you could. Only a dirty Half-Breed he is," Even after knowing the bird since her Hatch Day, WindSeeker didn't really understand the bird's elitism when it came to wolves over coyotes. Blue eyes found the coywolf again, and the ice furred she cocked her head, "It seems to me, that one should only fear harm if one has something to hide. Your continued position up that tree like a cat makes me wonder if you have something to hide."

Etalpalli unfurled her wings, and slid along the branch abovve the coywolf, snapping off bits of bark with her talons for the hell of it. She itched to dive at the Half-Breed, she really did. "Cowardly pup, the Half-Breed is. Teenager he looks to be," she informed the she.

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